Frequantly asked questions
Have some questions?
Will I recieve treatment on my first visit?
We prefer to focus on performing a thorough assessment during the first visit to identify the cause of your pain. However, when it is safe to do so, we offer some treatment on the first visit to provide relief for patients who are in a lot of pain.
How do I know if I am suitable for Chiropractic?
Most people will benefit from Chiropractic care. Matt is trained to assess for conditions that may require extra caution or further medical attention. In this case he will write a GP referral letter for you. If you are unsure, we offer free discovery calls where you can talk to the Chiropractor about any concerns you may have before starting care.
Is Chiropractic safe?
The simple answer is yes. All forms of medical care carry a risk however, the risk of serious harm from Chiropractic care is very low. As your body heals and changes it can be common to feel sore and stiff for up to 48 hours after a session, particularly at the start of your care. This is normal and is nothing to worry about. For relief we recommend using ICE on the sore area. Please contact us if you're concerned at all.
Is the Chiropractor insured and registered?
Yes. Matt is a registered with the General Chiropractic Council (the legal regulator for Chiropractors) and his membership number is 04529. He has public indemnity insurance with Balens Insurance group.
What do I wear?
Clothes that are easy to move in are best. In order to be able to examine the spine we have custom fitted medical gowns for all patients. If you prefer to remain clothed we will respect that decision.
How much does Chiropractic cost?
The cost of the initial consultation is £60. After that prices for a regular session range between £42.50 and £55.
What is the cracking noise?
The cracking noise that you hear during a Chiropractic adjustment is caused by a change of pressure within the joint space. It is normal and healthy and is not the sound of bones cracking.
How many sessions will I need?
The average patient needs between 8 and 16 sessions of Chiropractic care to experience a significant improvement in their symptoms and overall well-being long term. Occasionally some need less or more.
What happens if I miss an appointment?
Please give us 24 hours notice if you want to change an appointment otherwise we have the right to charge you. If there has been an emergency, then we will make exceptions.
What should I expect after a session?
Most of the time you will feel less pain and more relaxed. Sometimes you may feel tired - this is because the body is in healing mode. Patients often report feeling lighter, taller and more clear minded. After appointments we encourage you to continue your daily tasks and exercise as normal.
What if I am under 16?
You will need to attend with a legal guardian. This is to protect you and the Chiropractor.
​Contact us
Northwood Chiropractic Clinic
40 Northwood Avenue
GU21 2ET
Monday - 08:30 - 18:00
Tuesday - 08:30 - 19:00
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday - 08:30 - 18:00
Friday - 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday - 9:00 - 11:00